Now I know that for some people the whole concept of energy healing is a HUGE stretch!
How can someone standing over you waving their hands madly in the air, chanting, humming, banging a drum or hitting a singing bowl do anything whatsoever!
That's just all a bit too woo woo for you!
Well - I guess it all boils down to the fact that well, sometimes, you've just tried everything else.
And maybe those other things haven't hit the mark.
Maybe energy healing wont either - but would you risk trying it?
What have you got to lose.
In the end you have to come to it with the mind set that you are going to give it a chance.
If you come being pushed in, or thinking its all a load of new age shite the likelihood is that you will walk out the door a few $$ poorer and still thinking that it was a new agey load of bollocks.
Its just one of those things that tests your ability to just let go, give in and give it a fair dinkum crack -
Reiki, which is my special energy healing method, is one of those things that requires putting your skepticism in a little box and throwing away the key or it will have far less of an impact on you than if you just give yourself over to the process.
Believe me - it doesnt hurt.
It is supposed to help you relax and my goodness some people need to re - learn how to do that!
If you overthink energy healing all you will certainly do is find reasons not to try alternative therapies - the pharma companies certainly don't like them and science has trouble trying to explain the methodology for this stuff to work, as it goes against some of the fundamental laws of the world as we know it.
But hey - do your pills always work?
Do they work for one thing yet cause side effects for something else?
Have you tried just about everything and you are still pulling your hair out?
Would energy healing be worth a try to you if you knew that it could not hurt you?
Are you sick, tired, stressed, anxious and would you like not to be?
So on your hard days, when you feel that a bit of 'woo woo', a bit of hand waving, chanting and drum beating might just be the thing that creates the shift, the change, the miracle of Beginning again - throw yourself into it and JUST LET GO of trying to control the outcome.
Stop trying to work out how it works and believe that it JUST DOES.
Stop trying to work out how you should feel about it - how it should feel to you.
Its not always about having control and working it out.
I wish I had a dollar for everyone that I see that comes in for their first Reiki and still struggles with the thought of allowing 'woo woo' to happen. After all, they hear about these hippy types (like me) and how we float around in bare feet in long flowing gowns smelling of incense. What would we know? We've probably just read a book or two, done an online course and are trying to make money from insecure people!!!
Well that would go against everything that I, as a healer, have committed myself to do.
My commitment is to 'harm none' in my healing practice.
My attunements require me to make a soulful promise to be pure of heart when I approach another person and wish to help them.
If I want the Universal life force energy to work through me than I have to NOT BE a smug, egotistical know it all and someone who wants to rip off other people. It wont work if I am.
But I see the struggle to relax, the struggle to feel something on the table, the struggle to Its hard but it's rewarding.You can do it.
I always offer 3 sessions - by the third you know whats happening, you understand the routine and what you can expect and finally you have learned to trust your therapist.
In the letting go the miracles can start to happen.
And they are not always what you expect them to be.
They don't always come in a set pattern and are sometimes as surprising for me as they are for you.
You may just surprise yourself and end up feeling pretty damn good!
Who would take the 'risk' of having that happen?
Would you?
Maybe 'woo woo' is not your thing, but maybe you have tried everything else and finally you have to listen to your soul and not your head.
Maybe 'woo woo' is JUST the thing you are looking for right now.
Go on - give it a try.
Message me at or call on 0418291761
Cost per session is $50
Let me help you find a moment of peace and bliss in your life.